Warszawska Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki

About the journal

Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI is a peer-reviewed open access journal that is published twice a year by the Warsaw School of Computer Science. The journal publishes articles in the field of computer science and information technology, both in theoretical and practical aspects.

All articles published in Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI are available for free, under the CC-BY license. In addition, authors of articles submitted for publication in Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI do not pay any fees for the preparation and publication of the article.


  • Zenon Gniazdowski (editor-in-chief), Warsaw School of Computer Science
  • Weronika Jakubowska-Pietras (secretary)

Editorial Board

  • dr Dariusz Chaładyniak, Military University of Technology, Warsaw
  • prof. Andrzej Chojnacki, Military University of Technology, Warsaw
  • dr Ewa Figielska, Warsaw School of Computer Science
  • prof. Zenon Gniazdowski, Warsaw School of Computer Science
  • prof. Michał Grabowski, Warsaw School of Computer Science
  • dr Robert Janowski, Warsaw School of Computer Science
  • prof. Tadeusz Łuba, Warsaw School of Computer Science
  • prof. Marian S. Stachowicz, Warsaw School of Computer Science
  • prof. Ireneusz Winnicki, Military University of Technology, Warsaw
  • prof. Oleg Zaikin (chairman), Warsaw School of Computer Science
  • prof. Piotr Zaskórski, Military University of Technology, Warsaw


Warsaw School of Computer Science
ul. Lewartowskiego 17, 00-169 Warsaw
ISSN 1896-396X (print version)
ISSN 2082-8349 (online version)

The journal is indexed in the following databases:

Aims and Scope


Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI give publishing opportunities to people who are just starting research and have little experience in this field. In this way, they gain the opportunity to acquire basic experience. More experienced people who do not want to pay publishing costs can also publish here. Thanks to open access, as well as thanks to the possibility of publication in English, both groups have the potential to reach a wide range of interested persons.


Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI may publish articles on various aspects of computer science as well as information technologies, both in theoretical and practical aspects. The content of articles can cover a wide range of topics, including problems related to algorithms, cloud computing, computer graphics, computer networks, computer systems, data science, databases, IT project management, IT systems security, software engineering and many others.

Rules for publication in Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI

The editors of the journal are waiting for submitting articles in Polish or English. The rules for publishing in Polish are presented on the website http://zeszyty-naukowe.wwsi.edu.pl/?tre=1 .  The information presented below refers to articles written in English.

Articles should be prepared in MS Word format or in the LaTeX language format. The electronic version of the article should be provided in the source format (MS Word or LaTeX) and in PDF format to the address of the editorial staff of Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI (redakcja@wwsi.edu.pl). The article should contain:

  • Title;
  • The names of the authors;
  • Affiliations of all authors;
  • E-mail address used for correspondence with authors;
  • Abstract, containing no more than 100 words;
  • Keywords.

Recommendations on how to format text

  • The structure of the article should correspond to universally applicable standards. In particular, the text of the article should be divided into sections and subsections;
  • Mathematical formulas should be placed in the middle of the page. On the right side of the formula, at the edge of the page should be its number, placed in round brackets. In the article, references to formulas should be made by calling the formula number given in round brackets.
  • Charts or photos intended for printing should be prepared in such a way that they can be adapted to the B5 paper size. Below the drawing should be placed its number along with its description.
  • Tables should be formed with the knowledge that they will be printed on B5 sized paper. Above the table should be the table number together with the table description.
  • The numbered list of bibliographic entries should be placed at the end of the article in the order of reference. References to literature should be placed in square brackets. All items from the list of bibliographic entries should be cited in the article, otherwise they will be removed from the list by the Editor.

The procedure for reviewing articles

Articles intended for Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI are subjected to a review procedure. The reviewing procedure consists of several stages:

  • In the first stage, a decision is made as to whether the article can be reviewed. If the article obviously does not meet the formal requirements or its content is not consistent with the profile of the journal, the Editor decides to reject the article.
  • If any of the above-mentioned deficiencies do not occur, the Editor decides to forward the article for review. The editor usually chooses one reviewer. However, in justified cases, he may decide that the article will be reviewed by two reviewers.
  • The review may include one of three conclusions:
    • The article can be accepted for publication;
    • The article can be accepted for publication after considering the suggestion of the reviewer;
    • The article should be rejected.

The first and last conclusions do not require a comment. The second conclusion will result in the reviewer’s suggestions being forwarded to the authors who should make appropriate corrections.

  • If two reviewers present conflicting opinions, then the Editor consults the members of the Editorial Board and then makes further decisions.
  • In justified cases, the Editor may decide that the article will be accepted for publication in the journal, omitting the review. Such a decision may apply to those authors who have an impeccable reputation.
  • At no stage of the reviewing procedure, the authors of the articles are not informed about who is the reviewer of their work.

Requirements for ethical standards

The editors of the Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI would like this journal to reach the highest possible publishing level. To achieve this, we strive to fulfill all diligence in the selection of articles, but also in their preparation for printing.

On the other hand, the authors should also take all possible care when preparing the texts for publication. Editors expect them to be professional and honest. In particular, in order to maintain transparency, the Editorial Board suggests:

  • When the article has more than one author, at the end of the article there is information in which the authors define their contribution to its formation.
  • If it is justified, sources of financing should also be provided.

Malpractice Statement

In case of suspicion that the author of the submitted article acts unfairly, the editors of the journal will take appropriate actions, adequate to the irregularities found. In extreme cases, a dishonest author can get a ban on publishing in the Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI.